JW 2024 Animation Reel

This includes 8 projects

Sopranos Intro from a Train

Did you know if you take video of your 10-hour train ride to visit family over winter break it cuts together seamlessly with the theme song from the hit TV series the Sopranos?

The Limo Driver

A Trailer of the Wedding Singer but from the perspective of Sammy the Limo Driver.

Red Hot Video Fun Time Presents

A promo for Red Hot Video Fun Time that mixes chillwave and Earl Nightengale.

A Perfect Voyage

An interstitial from a video show that blends coolio with a Perfect Storm.


An interstitial for a blood themed video show.

Jared's UCBeast Tribute

Cut together every picture that was taken of me over the course of seven years as a tribute to the place I called home.

Found footage of Jared Weil's first bringer show

Previously unseen footage has emerged almost exactly 9 years to the day, and this was all I could cobble together cause of how bad I was at it

Electric Skateboard Night Ride in Brooklyn